
GoalieUp connects almost five thousand goalies with thousands more users looking to fill their nets across Canada and the US — think of it as Uber for hockey goalies. We designed GoalieUp's brand and style guide, as well as building native iOS and Android apps, their website, and the underlying system that drives it all.

The GoalieUp app.

At the heart of everything we've built for GoalieUp are the iOS and Android apps that thousands use to book a goalie within minutes. The app allows users to quickly pick the date and time of their game, specify their preferences, and place their bookings all through a simple and intuitive user experience.

Making the complex simple.

How we connect the right people with the right players in real-time to offer targeted results.

When booking, a lot more than the game's location comes into play. A user's experience and game type is matched against goalies' travel distance preferences, their skill level, the games they're willing to play, and other factors to identify a pool of potential goalies to fulfil the request. This happens near-instantly, triggering hundreds of notifications sent out on a per-client basis to eligible players. The result is 99% of requests being satisfied within a matter of minutes — and thousands of satisfied customers.

A unified experience between the app and the web.

While the apps are the way most people book and manage their games, users can access and do everything available on their phones on the web as well. Book a game on your laptop at home and then follow along on your phone — everything remains synced in real-time.

A digital-first approach to branding.

As a fundamentally digital company, we designed GoalieUp's branding, visual system, and style guide with digital applications at the forefront of our thinking. A modern approach — all while respecting the principals and best practices behind any successful branding exercise.

The GoalieUp app icon.

Like the logo, the app icon was designed for simplicity and clarity. Designed to be distinctive, it avoids the common hockey and goalie themed symbols that make competing services get lost in the crowd, easily spotted on a home screen.

Building a custom enterprise app for WSP's Environment Group.

Enterprise SoftwareApp Development
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Ubriety Inc.
4030 Saint-Ambroise, Suite 203
Montreal, Quebec
Canada H4C 2C7